Key Dates and Practice Schedule
Key Dates:
Equipment (helmets, helmet covers and shoulder pads) will be distributed on Monday August 12, 2024.
Practice starts Tuesday August 13, 2024. All practices will be held at Lum Field unless otherwise noted.
Week 1:
Equipment: Monday, 8/12, 6-8:30pm Lum Field Equipment Building (Specific Times TBD by grade)
8/13 (Tues): 6-8pm
8/14 (Wed): 6-8pm
8/15 (Thurs): 6-8pm
8/16 (Friday): 6:00-8:00pm - League Clinic - Field Location TBD
Week 2:
8/19 (Mon):6-8pm
8/20 (Tues):6-8pm
8/21 (Wed)6-8pm
8/22 (Thurs):6-8pm
Week 3:
8/26 (Mon):6-8pm
8/27 (Tues):6-8pm
8/28 (Wed):6-8pm
8/29 (Thurs):6-8pm
Week 4:
9/03 (Tues):6-8pm
9/04 (Wed):6-8pm
9/05 (Thurs):6-8pm
9/06 (Fri):6-8pm
9/07 (Sat): 9-11am
First Game: 9/08 - Times and location TBD
During the regular season (after the first game) practices will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6-8pm and Saturday morning from 9-11am. There may be intermittent changes by team based on Back to School Nights etc. Individual teams will communicate those changes as they arise.